Petition to Save PBS
Last Edit: singleticket 06:34 pm EST 01/31/25
Posted by: singleticket 06:31 pm EST 01/31/25
In reply to: F.C.C. Chair Orders Investigation Into NPR and PBS Sponsorships - MockingbirdGirl 06:11 pm EST 01/31/25

Very sad and very scary. PBS, like the NEA, has already been hobbled by successive Republican administrations. But if we want it to be saved (along with everything else that is under attack) we need to start to fighting to save it.
Link Sign the petition: Save PBS & NPR funding from total elimination

Previous: F.C.C. Chair Orders Investigation Into NPR and PBS Sponsorships - MockingbirdGirl 06:11 pm EST 01/31/25
Next: re: Petition to Save PBS - Singapore/Fling 02:38 am EST 02/01/25

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