Movies turned into Musicals
Last Edit: KingSpeed 08:11 pm EST 01/28/25
Posted by: KingSpeed 08:07 pm EST 01/28/25

I was thinking yesterday about how many Broadway musicals have been based on movies and tried to figure when it started and then when it took off. Then I checked the list of the Top 25 longest running Broadway shows and was surprised to notice that the only movies turned into musicals on that list are all Disney- three animated and then Mary Poppins. So then I thought, why is it done?? Why do we have MRS DOUBTFIRE, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, TOOTSIE, THE NOTEBOOK, etc? It's not a hit making formula. THE OUTSIDERS may run, we'll see, but it's also based on a book. The hits are more original or jukebox musicals. What are your thoughts on this subject matter?

EDIT: 42nd Street & Hairspray are #16 & #24. Point still stands. 19 of 25 shows not based on movies and three were cartoons.

Previous: re: Astaire and Charisse x '2 - dsikula 08:53 pm EST 01/29/25
Next: I loved The Notebook - jeffef 04:31 pm EST 01/29/25

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