re: New York New York,a helluva town...
Last Edit: Chromolume 11:09 am EST 11/13/24
Posted by: Chromolume 11:06 am EST 11/13/24
In reply to: New York New York,a helluva town... - sc2 09:42 am EST 11/13/24

And a horrible decimation of Bernstein's wonderful score. Despite the good performances, it's a film I just can't watch - I'm too close to the stage show. Roger Edens' songs are serviceable, but they don't come close to what Bernstein was able to write.

Previous: Auto-Correct did me the same exact way! - sc2 05:19 pm EST 11/13/24
Next: re: New York New York,a helluva town... - BwyDan 03:53 pm EST 11/13/24

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