re: Tell on Sunday - Chimpanzee lyric and other primates in song
Last Edit: PlayWiz 12:38 pm EDT 11/02/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 12:37 pm EDT 11/02/24
In reply to: re: Tell on Sunday - Chimpanzee lyric and other primates in song - EvFoDr 08:21 am EDT 11/02/24

There was a tour of "Doctor Dolittle" which has the Oscar-winning song "Talk to the Animals" from the film which references I believe speaking in chimpanzee.

Previous: A couple from before 1985 - AlanScott 01:17 am EDT 11/03/24
Next: 'Sunday' in the zoo with chimps - WaymanWong 11:42 pm EDT 11/01/24

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