re: be Italian! or be the French bourgeoisie
Posted by: AlanScott 05:15 pm EST 01/31/25
In reply to: be Italian! - sc2 09:06 am EST 01/31/25

Since you brought this up, I'll add something you left out: At 12:15 a.m., following 8 1/2 and Wild Strawberries (which might make a good musical, except that I think extended car scenes tend to not work too well onstage), TCM will be showing The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, the source for act one of Here We Are. Too bad they're not following it with The Exterminating Angel. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie is a great movie, and I recommend it highly to those who haven't seen it (and to those who have and may want to see it again, except that they don't need me to recommend it).

Btw, I have wanted to reply to two discussions here: the Feiffer discussion, to say more about Little Murders, and the discussion of movies serving as source material for movies, specifically the pinpointing of what would truly count as the first example, but I haven't gotten around to it, and I guess at this point that I probably won't. But you never know. Even I never know.

Previous: be Italian! - sc2 09:06 am EST 01/31/25
Next: re: be Italian! - NewtonUK 09:22 am EST 01/31/25

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