re: Nicole Scherzinger sings on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 1/27
Posted by: huskyital 11:46 am EST 01/28/25
In reply to: Nicole Scherzinger sings on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 1/27 - ileen 11:37 am EST 01/28/25

Technically, she has a better voice than Glenn Close, but unfortunately, she only gets into the character toward the end of her song. I just kept hearing Glennā€˜s voice at the beginning of the song and how her character was so out of touch with reality but forcibly looking for that comeback. I saw her twice, and I only wish that the film were made with her. She understood the character completely and she gave her heart and soul in her performance..

Previous: That performance was effing fantastic - GrumpyMorningBoy 11:37 pm EST 01/29/25
Next: re: Nicole Scherzinger sings on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 1/27 - StageDoorEddie 11:52 am EST 01/29/25

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