re: Unpopular thought about Gypsy
Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 10:07 am EST 12/30/24
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 10:04 am EST 12/30/24
In reply to: re: Unpopular thought about Gypsy - ARReith1982 10:40 pm EST 12/29/24

I don't mean to sound to sound unsympathetic, but...

You've now posted three times about how they should "plow through" and how "absurd" it is, as well as insinuating that there's something nefarious about them cancelling when other shows didn't. But sure, you don't MEAN to sound unsympathetic.

Previous: re: Unpopular thought about Gypsy - ARReith1982 10:40 pm EST 12/29/24
Next: re: Unpopular thought about Gypsy - ryhog 11:44 pm EST 12/29/24

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