re: I respectfully disagree. (Spoilers with response to Ann as well)
Posted by: TheOtherOne 06:56 pm EST 12/26/24
In reply to: I respectfully disagree. (Spoilers with response to Ann as well) - DanielVincent 05:32 pm EST 12/26/24

I wasn't at all familiar with her. She does still look gorgeous, unlike Gloria Swanson in the film, but in the ageless way that many of our current middle-aged and gorgeous-from-a-distance stars do. Don't get too close! Dramedy describes her approach to the dialogue as "emotionless." I heard that as a choice. She sounds as botox-ed as many current stars look. In contrast, Tom Francis still appears boyish. He doesn't have the Chance Wayne quality of someone who is in the last days of his boyishness (as Holden was) and knows it. Being with someone who is so self-deluded repulses him. The contrast between them works very well, even if it isn't quite what you expect.

Previous: Nobody has mentioned maybe the most meta moments of all! - GabbyGerard 06:58 pm EST 12/27/24
Next: re: I respectfully disagree. (Spoilers with response to Ann as well) - Ann 06:04 pm EST 12/26/24

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