It WAS boring, mostly
Posted by: aleck 08:45 am EST 11/21/24
In reply to: Never forget it??? - Genealley 08:45 pm EST 11/20/24

But you'll still never forget it. Let me know in ten years. So many little things to remember: That show curtain. The unnecessary entrances and exits via the center orchestra aisle. The out-of-character (and over the top) songs. The mess of the bank of TV screens. The peek-a-boo jolts of character appearances from behind the TV screens (a la Laugh-In). The clunky book with Borle doing who-knows-what to get some humor and energy going. The ludicrous Jessica Hahn scene with Borle's pants half-way down, in case we couldn't figure out what was going on. The weird fabric-draped opening scene representing a hospital. (That's the best they could do with a $25 million budget?) The frenetic dancing going on in the shadows of solo numbers. Etc, etc. Oh, there is a lot to remember.

Previous: Never forget it??? - Genealley 08:45 pm EST 11/20/24
Next: The best line about a boring show - aleck 11:52 am EST 11/21/24

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