re: Brooke Shields replaced Donna...
Posted by: JereNYC ( 11:50 am EST 11/14/24
In reply to: re: Brooke Shields replaced Donna... - Chazwaza 04:18 pm EST 11/13/24

I really enjoyed Shields as Ruth. She played Ruth as a tall, gawky, awkward woman who'd heard her entire life about how Eileen is the pretty one and has internalized that, even though she was clearly very attractive herself. I felt like I'd seen this Ruth's entire childhood and young adulthood as a socially awkward person right next to the blonde, bubbly, extroverted (and thus more conventionally pleasing) Eileen. I saw this young woman as someone who stayed home on Saturday nights because the boys back home didn't want a girl taller than them or smarter than them, while her sister was likely fending off everything in pants and out and about all the time.

Previous: re: Brooke Shields replaced Donna... - Chazwaza 04:18 pm EST 11/13/24
Next: re: Brooke Shields replaced Donna... - BHandshy 05:14 pm EST 11/14/24

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