re: Hard to decide which one of these women is more irritating.
Last Edit: Delvino 11:43 am EST 11/03/24
Posted by: Delvino 11:41 am EST 11/03/24
In reply to: Hard to decide which one of these women is more irritating. - portenopete 12:20 am EDT 11/03/24

Agreed, though I’m not sure LuPone and Farrow being septuagenarians is germane. A Booth ensconced This is Our Youth might have the same argument.

Previous: Hard to decide which one of these women is more irritating. - portenopete 12:20 am EDT 11/03/24
Next: re: Hard to decide which one of these women is more irritating. - portenopete 01:12 pm EST 11/03/24

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