re: I wholehearedly agree...
Last Edit: bway1430 05:27 am EST 11/03/24
Posted by: bway1430 05:24 am EST 11/03/24
In reply to: Hard to decide which one of these women is more irritating. - portenopete 12:20 am EDT 11/03/24

I am not a huge Patti fan and have nothing but praise for Kecia's talent, but in this this case, the later got it very, very wrong.

1) For all of her sermonizing about Broadway and the so-called "spirit of community", Kecia could have torn a page out her own hymnal and sent a message to Ms LuPone via her stage door and arranged a chance to discuss in person. Putting out a one-sided, publicly shared video branding Patti as a racist bully who carelessly commits these 'micro-agressions' against a black show is a new low and only makes the situation worse. Her video was classless and tacky, especially her patronizing tone with "let me explain to you what a micro-agression is".

2) It really shouldn't have been up to Ms LuPone to make that call about the noise bleeding through the walls. Where were the show's producers? But at least she had the grace to send flowers to those who made the adjustments and express her thanks which she didn't have to do. Even that act of kindness was pissed on and viewed as something hurtful. Give me a break.

3) Patti is not the only person complaining about how loud HELL'S KITCHEN is. Theatregoers have posted that it was/is ear-splitting. Does that make them racists as well?


Previous: re: Hard to decide which one of these women is more irritating. - portenopete 01:12 pm EST 11/03/24
Next: Actor Alan Rachins has died. - kieran 09:01 pm EDT 11/02/24

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